Chicago Med season 4 episode 16 preview: ‘Old Flames, New Sparks’
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For a little more news on what lies ahead, just be sure to check out our official Chicago Med season 4 episode 16 synopsis below:
02/27/2019 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Wednesday) : Natalie and Will grow further apart. Dr. Charles struggles to come to terms with his feelings toward his ex-wife. The personal issues between Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Bekker continue to cause problems at the hospital. TV-14
Will there be more than just romantic story arcs going on at the hospital this week? You certainly have to imagine so, but we cannot say that we’re exactly shocked by anything within this synopsis at the moment. NBC has to promote the show with what they know sells and romance certainly does. There are some pairings in here, though, that we wish would just get together and figure things out again — stable couplings can lead to some exciting stuff! It may not always seem that way superficially, but we certainly do believe it to be so — you can bring in family members or deal with normal relationship issues that established couples often go through.
This episode of Chicago Med will be the last one before a brief hiatus, so let’s hope for some exciting stuff to generate a little bit of conversation for a while. We do want Chicago Med to remain as discussed and enjoyed moving forward this season — its success in the 8:00 p.m. Eastern timeslot may, at least at the moment, be one of the most under-reported stories of the entire year so far.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news on Chicago Med, including some other news when it comes to the series moving forward
What do you think is going to be coming on Chicago Med season 4 episode 16? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and stay tuned for some other news related to the series. (Photo: NBC.)