Chicago Med season 4 episode 14 video: More trouble for Connor, Ava
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In the video below, you can see Connor and Ava (in a more relationship-centric discussion) interrupted by Gwen Garrett, who comes bearing some rather-unfortunate news stemming from an incident that unfolded months prior. Someone has issued a private complaint against Dr. Rhodes and, in turn, Ava over a patient from months beforehand who died. This is one you likely remember, since it stems from the Ray storyline and Connor’s desperate attempt to get information. He let the patient off his anesthesia early to get information and pass it along, but doing so contributed to his death. This felt like the sort of thing that was going to come up eventually on this show and yet, here we are — it’s arrived, and we certainly think that there are going to be some problems that are coming for some of the characters.
As messed-up as the idea seems, we do wonder on some level if this is the sort of thing that could actually lead to the two of them being a little bit closer together, if for no other reason than that it would give the two of them a common goal. No matter what is going on in their relationship, at the same time we do think that they are rooting for each other as doctors. There’s a lot that they are going to have to work through here just because there are so many obvious issues present. We just hope that one way or another, they can find a way to navigate through and make it to the other side — both personally and professionally.
As for Gwen Garrett, here’s another reminder that she has the most thankless job in the hospital. She basically has to be the bearer of bad news all of the time, and because we’re so intent on rooting for the doctors, she’s often put in the position of adversary.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news regarding the next Chicago Med episode as a whole!
What do you think is going to be coming up on Chicago Med season 4 episode 14? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments, and be sure to check out some more news regarding the series. (Photo: NBC.)