Doctor Who: Whoopi Goldberg asked to be series star
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In a new interview on David Tennant’s podcast (per the BBC), Whoopi had the following to say about wanting to do the show someday … even if it doesn’t seem as though it’s going to happen:
“The idea of that just so made me happy. But they were like, ‘Um, no.'”
So why does this particular show appeal to her? We do actually think that Whoopi has similar thoughts on that subject to many other people out there:
“I always felt like science fiction predicted the future … Whether it was climate change, hand computers or being able to move around in different dimensions.”
There is something fascinating about getting to explore this world, and we cannot say that we’re altogether surprised that this is a world that Whoopi or anyone else would want to explore. Plus, there’s such a fun, positive spirit to this show that really encourages people to think beyond themselves. We would actually still like to see her in some sort of arc here, mostly because it does really fit who we know her to be as a performer. We’ve long felt like Whoopi brings a little bit more to the table as a performer than she’s had a chance to do, and we say that knowing full well just how much acclaim she had at a certain point in her career.
Hey, Doctor Who producers — there is still time to find a way in order to incorporate Goldberg into the cast for season 12! Filming has not begun yet, and while we understand that she’s rather busy with The View, couldn’t she balance them out for at least a small period of time? It’s at least a fun idea to think about and in general, we don’t think there’s anything wrong with this show taking on a few more casting risks than they do. Who says that Doctor Who ever has to be predictable when it comes to any aspect of the show?
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Do you think that Whoopi Goldberg would have been a great star of Doctor Who? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments and stay tuned to get some more news. (Photo: BBC.)