Celebrity Big Brother 2 live feed spoilers: Dueling alliances (day 12, morning)

Celebrity Big Brother season 2

The Power of Veto Competition may not be happening in the Celebrity Big Brother 2 house until Monday and with that, there’s a lot of time in which we could see things venture off into all sorts of crazy directions. For the time being, though, we do have a plan as to what could happen.

Related Celebrity Big Brother video – Check out more thoughts on yesterday’s live feeds at the bottom of this article! Also, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more news and check out our playlist.

Let’s start with a refresher that Dina Lohan and Tamar Braxton were nominated by Head of Household Kato Kaelin, largely because these are two people who were easy to nominate. Nobody is going to be extremely upset about either one of them and that does allow Kato the opportunity to make a bigger backdoor move if the situation calls for it.

So what is the plan for now? Seemingly, targeting Ryan Lochte because he is such a big threat in the game. For the sake of drama, the ideal move this week would be if the Veto isn’t used and Dina goes home, mostly because she has very few numbers and would be an easy choice to evict from the game. She’s just not bringing a lot strategically, and this could end up being what happens since Tamar does (sort of) have numbers. Even with the huge fight yesterday with Lolo Jones, it seems like most of the hatchet has been buried.

As of right now, though, the big alliance in the house is Kato, Lolo, Tom Green, and Natalie Eva Marie — though it’s hardly a secret, since virtually everyone in the game knows about it on some level. Tom apparently does want to have a fake-fight with Kato to throw people off … but that never works and it’s mostly just for us. There’s been talk about including Ricky Williams here, at least from the women’s side. (Tom doesn’t trust Ricky at all, but it’s still something he could consider for the sake of protecting his own hide.)

Meanwhile, Ryan has suggested forming some sort of counter-alliance with himself, Dina, Joey Lawrence, Kandi Burruss, and also Ricky — which wouldn’t turn out great since Ricky would probably spill on it. At least he’s trying, though; Ryan actually hasn’t come off as irritating as of late as we would’ve thought going into the season. He wants to play the game and we appreciate that, even if the biggest thing that he should’ve done is have a good conversation with Lolo days ago stemming from middle-finger-gate.

Related News Be sure to get some other information right now on Celebrity Big Brother and the live feeds!

What do you want to see happen on the feeds today? Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: CBS.)

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