Celebrity Big Brother 2 live feed spoilers: Who’s the target? (day 8, evening)

Joey Lawrence

It’s the night of day 8 in the Celebrity Big Brother 2 house, and while things are a little slow now, they certainly weren’t always that way!

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Let’s recap what’s happened over the past several hours — this afternoon at the Veto Ceremony, Kato Kaelin removed Tom Green from the block. With that, Joey Lawrence went up in his place. There’s a good debate now as to who to eliminate between Joey, Jonathan Bennett, and Kandi Burruss — with Jonathan seeming to be the biggest target of the entire group. He’s the best person to get rid of now because he has good allies in Joey / Ryan who could protect him down the road, and he also knows this game a little bit too well.

Of course, there’s always the chance for some craziness — and Tamar seems to be bringing that! She seems to still be on the train of getting rid of Kandi Burruss, with her reasoning for it at present being that she wants to ensure that someone she doesn’t trust sticks around. She also thinks it could be the best move for some other people, but nobody seems to be buying into this.

The biggest mistake Jonathan’s made, at least as far as we can tell, is doing way too much, too soon. His seven-person alliance idea wasn’t terrible but how he and Ryan communicated their nomination plans was. Beyond just that, nominating Kandi wasn’t great when originally she was a suggested part of the deal and it’s clear that he is the brains of the operation with Ryan. He’s put himself in a position where he’s simply made too many mistakes early and he’s in a vulnerable spot — Lolo and Natalie Eva Marie are doing a great job, and both Tom and Kato Kaelin actually seem to be fairly solid now, as well. Ricky Williams may actually be in the best spot of all right now, given the sole fact that he’s got some sort of inroads with everyone. He makes them think that he’s malleable and that he will listen to their ideas, but they don’t realize that he’s doing whatever he wants and following the beat of his own drummer.

Come back tomorrow, as we’ll have some overnight highlights from the feeds for you then.

Related News Be sure to check out some more news and updates on Celebrity Big Brother!

What did you think about tonight’s events in the Celebrity Big Brother house? Be sure to share in the comments. (Photo: CBS.)

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