The Masked Singer: Who are the actual winner contenders?
Related The Masked Singer video! – Check out some of our thoughts on the most-recent episode of the show below! Meanwhile, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more and check out our playlist.
So what we wanted to do at the moment is try our best to rank a top three out of the contestants we’ve seen so far — and there’s really two different criteria we’re looking at. First and foremost, we want to make sure that they are great performers. Beyond that, though, we also would like to see people make it to the end who aren’t super-easy to identify. (The Peacock, for example, is wonderful — but most people were able to figure out who was under that mask after about five minutes in the premiere. The same goes for the Rabbit in episode 2.)
3. Lion – One of the most appealing things about her, other than her talent, is that it doesn’t feel super-obvious who is actually under the mask at the moment. There’s at least some mystery here, and we actually think that she could come out of this a far bigger musical star than she was before.
2. Bee – The consensus thinking out in the internet is that the Bee is Gladys Knight, but that’s not really because of the show giving too many clues. It’s instead more that we know she’s been around for decades and there’s a process-of-elimination factor here. It’s clear that the Bee is a music icon and with that, we think the show will want to keep her around for a while.
1. Monster – Maybe we’re biased towards the monster, but we’ve heard him give two awesome performances in two weeks and that has us super-excited to see pretty much anything else that he does the rest of the way. There’s just something really emotional about the way her performs — there’s a glee and a spirit about it! It probably helps that he has one of the more adorable costumes, and while there have been some good guesses online, we don’t think the casual viewer has that good of an idea as to his identity.
Related News – Check out our article all about the Deer reveal!
Who do you want to see emerge as the winner of The Masked Singer season 1? Be sure to share in the comments. (Photo: Fox.)