Celebrity Big Brother 2 spotlight: Does Anthony Scaramucci have a chance?

Anthony Scaramucci

The entire Celebrity Big Brother 2 cast is now official, and with that we’re spending this week previewing what to expect from many of them! Consider this article series your guide to understanding what each person brings to the table and also whether or not they have a legitimate chance of winning. In this piece, the focus is on Anthony Scaramucci, a former White House Communications Director who is otherwise known as The Mooch. He’s the political contestant this season and certainly someone who could ruffle some feathers.

Celebrity Big Brother video! – Check out our take on the entire cast of the show below! Also, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube to make sure you don’t miss any updates all season, including live-feed news, and check out our Celebrity Big Brother playlist.

Claim to Fame – Scaramucci may have only been White House Communications Director for a little under two weeks, but it was an eventful period of time. He used colorful language, he created tension within the administration, and the White House decided to move on rather than continue to make headlines with someone who was supposed to ease communications as opposed to causing more of an uproar. Before the position, The Mooch was well-known within the world of investment banking. (We don’t know why it is a Celebrity Big Brother tradition to have former White House employees on this show, but here we are.)

Strengths – We don’t doubt that Mooch has a ton of charisma, mostly because he was able to get himself into the position at the White House in the first place. He knows how to spin a story and also how to stand up for people who he interprets as in his corner. He’s an aggressive guy, and we certainly think that he’ll be aggressive in the house if the situation calls for it.

Weaknesses – Let’s just say that there are many for Mooch. For starters, if he gets too political, he’s going to be a target just on the basis of that alone. He’s also got to earn the trust of some other players and that may be a challenge given how he can at times be brash. We also don’t know how gung-ho he’s going to be taking part in some of the sillier parts of the game. We just don’t think he’s going to be popular socially in the house, and we’re not sure there will be many opportunities for him to be a particularly-strong strategic player due to preconceived notions.

Outlook This Season – The biggest thing going for The Mooch is that like with Omarosa, he’s someone who other players can hide behind for a certain period of time. The problem that he’s going to run into eventually, though, is that he’s expendable. We don’t think he’s going to have any lifelong friends in there and it’s almost impossible to see him winning at the end. He’s a good jury goat, but we’d be shocked if he even makes it close to finale night.

Related Be sure to check out some more coverage of Celebrity Big Brother 2, including some other spotlights

What do you think the chances are of Scaramucci winning Celebrity Big Brother 2? Be sure to share some of your thoughts right now in the comments and stay tuned for more. (Photo: CBS.)

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