Grey’s Anatomy season 15 episode 9 will send Meredith, DeLuca in positive direction


Mrs. Carter: If you are rooting for Meredith and DeLuca to get together, there’s a good bit for you to like on Grey’s Anatomy season 15 episode 9 tonight!

Related Grey’s Anatomy video – Check out some more discussion on this episode in our video at the bottom of this article. Also, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube so you don’t miss out on our weekly Grey’s Anatomy videos and take a look at our full series playlist.

Let me get this out of the way now: There’s no guarantee that “MerLuca” becomes a thing over the course of tonight’s “Shelter from the Storm.” The sense that’s out there from the show’s producers is that this is going to be a process more so than anything and they’re going to take their time having Meredith figure this out. She’s someone with an important job, kids, and a lot of responsibility. She’s going to take her time in order to ensure that she’s making the right choice when the dust finally settles.

Here’s the good news — the two will spend some time together tonight, and in that DeLuca’s going to have a chance to become much closer to her. He recognizes that there’s some apprehension on her side, so maybe he’ll try to put her at ease through much of this story.

Speaking via TVLine, here’s some of what Giacomo Gianniotti had to say about the episode:

“This is a point where, in the race, I think DeLuca is going to get a little bit of the lead because he’s going to have this very [significant] quality time in close quarters to really deepen the connection and the bond between him and Meredith … She can’t really run and hide, so they’re forced to hash it out and talk about their feelings and move forward. I think DeLuca will definitely be gaining some ground in the elevator.”

The big test for DeLuca and Meredith is probably going to come out in the aftermath of whatever happens in the elevator, given at that point the two will be out in the real world again. It’s one thing to feel like there’s a connection when there is nowhere else the two can turn. It’s something different if that actually bleeds over in to day-to-day life. There’s also a difference between chemistry in the hospital and chemistry outside of it, so if the relationship starts to develop, that is something else that the two are inevitably going to have to consider.

Just be prepared for a slow burn — but as a lover of ships, a slow burn is one of my favorite things to watch. Jumping into something romantic and getting all messy with it can be fun too, but some of my all time favorite ships came out of a long slow burn.

Related News Check out some more information when it comes to Grey’s Anatomy + what lies ahead!

What do you want to see when it comes to Grey’s Anatomy season 15 episode 9? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. (Photo: ABC.)

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