Luther season 6: How can the BBC series follow that cliffhanger?
Warning: There are some obvious spoilers ahead from the end of the season.
At the conclusion of tonight’s finale, what we ended up seeing was the end, seemingly, for Alice Morgan, and also a cruel remainder that often, psychopathic killers are not meant to necessarily be all that likable. They are killers by nature. Alice’s personality and style were reasons for her allure, but we see the finale as writer Neil Cross giving us all a big reminder that it’s impossible for Alice to be completely alluring when you think about some of her poison, some of what she is truly capable of. This is a dangerous woman and there is nothing that can be done to avoid or ignore that.
We do think that a Luther season 6 could address Alice’s fate (we think she is really dead this time), but beyond just that, we think that the larger appeal here is simply the notion of John being arrested. This is something that in some ways, maybe we should have expected for some time. This was a character who has done so many morally-compromising things over time, and also certainly allowed some of Alice’s own actions to corrupt his judgment and also some of his way of thing. He put himself in a position where he could be constantly manipulated and put into danger, let alone some others.
Can John find a way to sneak out of this bind? It’s hard to imagine so, but isn’t that a big part of what the season 6 challenge could be? We think for any writer, one of the things that you should personally put the focus on is putting a character within a box only to then question whether or not there is a way for them to escape said box in the future. It’s a bond way to force you to be creative and we definitely do think that following Luther’s arrest, there is so much more story to tell — it could be about redemption for John — or, at the very least, him trying to determine if there is really a way for him to ever find happiness again.
Ultimately, the ball is clearly now in the court of Idris Elba and Neil Cross to figure out what they want to do next, but we have a hard time thinking that they are satisfied with this as the ending to the story.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Luther, including more discussion on what form a season 6 could take!
What do you think that Luther season 6 could do in order to follow the events of the season 5 finale? Be sure to share some of your thoughts right now in the attached comments. (Photo: BBC.)