Doctor Who season 11 episode 10 (finale) preview: Mystery of the Ux

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Next week on BBC One, Doctor Who season 11 episode 10 will be here and we don’t have to tell you what makes this one so important. This is the finale! It’s the last installment of the year and with that, this marks the final opportunity for the series to really make an impact on most of its viewers that are out there. We expect something mysterious, something action-packed, and then also something that has an ending that a lot of longtime fans will be talking about for quite some time.

Related Doctor Who video! – Be sure to get some more thoughts on the recent premiere episode at the bottom of this article! Meanwhile, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other insight.

Just in case you do want some other information when it comes to the story ahead now, we suggest that you take a look at the official Doctor Who season 11 episode 10 synopsis:

On the planet of Ranskoor Av Kolos lie the remains of a brutal battlefield. But as the Doctor, Graham, Yaz and Ryan answer nine separate distress calls, they discover the planet holds far more secrets.

Who is the mysterious commander with no memory? What lies beyond the mists? Who or what are the Ux? The answers will lead the Doctor and her friends towards a deadly reckoning.

One thing that is obviously worth remembering here is that, on the other side of this episode, you will get the big Doctor Who New Year’s special on January 1. While this is the final episode of the season proper, at the same time it’s not the final episode that you’ll be seeing for a really long time. With that, we don’t really expect there to be all that much pressure here on delivering an absolute game-changing episode that drops some enormous cliffhanger at the end. All the series really needs to do here, more so than anything else, is just bring us an ending that makes sense for the season and an entertaining story at large. There’s no real need to raise up the expectations to another level for any other reason at all.

Content-wise, what we do know is this: It would be outstanding if this Doctor Who episodes delivers a combination of everything that we’ve come to love about this series over time. Think in terms of a great bit of humor, coupled with inventive storytelling and also a message that encourages all of us to put humanity’s best foot forward as we continue to look towards the future.

If you love Doctor Who, we don’t think that we really need to do all that much to encourage you to A) watch this episode and B) try to watch it live.

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What do you want to see when it comes to Doctor Who season 11 episode 10? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. (Photo: BBC.)

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