Law & Order: SVU season 20 episode 10 video: Scene of a hate crime
What’s coming up on Law & Order: SVU season 20 episode 10? We know that NBC is working on a possible Hate Crimes edition of the franchise, and in some ways it feels like this case fits right into that.
For more, just take a look at the sneak peek HERE. After all, in this you learn about the murder of a young transgender author named Bobbi O’Rourke, someone who was in the midst of finding her voice and great success. She had just come out of a book reading and signing to have a smoke when all of a sudden, someone hit her over the head with a break. We didn’t really get the sense that there was anyone in this particular preview who wanted her to die, and that may be the point here. Bobbi seemed like someone who didn’t have any enemies because of things she did or the way that she carried herself or her business; instead, she just seemed like someone who may have been killed because of who she was.
This murder, over the course of this episode, is going to eventually lead us to the characters played by Wallace Shawn and Judd Hirsch. There really isn’t all that much that is known about either one of them, other than of course the fact that the two of them are rather reclusive and because of that, their own motivation is not something that is altogether clear. They, there’s a secret at the center of this case that could prove devastating and it is one that traces back for a rather-long time. It’s going to eventually be introduced in this episode and the end result of that could prove shocking. If one of these two brothers was the killer, their motive would have to be very strong for them to move away from what is a traditional lifestyle for them in order to commit the act.
Given that we’ve waited for an extra week for this case, we do hope that it proves all the more worthwhile. We don’t think that this is actually a backdoor pilot for Law & Order: Hate Crimes by any means, but we do think that this is an episode that could at least show thematically what that series could look like down the road. It’s valuable for that reason, in addition of course because this is another episode to see a strong new episode of SVU and that is something we welcome really no matter the timing in which we get it. There are always great performances and hopefully, by the end of the hour twists and turns to keep us guessing.
Update: Showrunner Michael Chernuchin clarified on Twitter that Robbi is not transgender, and the sneak peek (including Benson’s line at the end) misrepresents what is actually being told in the story.
What do you want to see when it comes to Law & Order: SVU season 20 episode 10? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. (Photo: NBC.)