How to Get Away with Murder season 5 episode 9 return date hopes

How to Get Away with Murder

What could the How to Get Away with Murder season 5 episode 9 return date be over on ABC? Within this article, we’ve got speculation on the future of the series in a number of different forms!

Let’s kick things off, though, by noting this: You are going to be getting Viola Davis and the rest of the cast back on the air before we get too far in the future. At present, we’re thinking in terms of January, though ABC could choose to announce something a little bit formally down the line.

Typically, the way in which this show chooses to do things is rather simple: They give you a substantial arc of new episodes early on in the fall, and then after that, the series comes back in January / February in order to wrap up the remainder of the season. There are a number of episodes still to air this season, and these more than likely could be on the air until March. At that point, we do feel like ABC will use this timeslot in order to put something else on the air.

As for the long-term future of How to Get Away with Murder as a franchise, one of the things that we do wonder about these days is how long a show like this can really last. Viola Davis has done a fantastic job as the leading lady for the series, and we do think that she has helped to lift this story to incredible heights. Yet, at the same time one of the things that we wonder about here is just whether or not a show like this does have a relatively-limited shelf life. There is, after all, only so long that a series like this can adequately keep some of its momentum — don’t the lives of some of these people have to turn around at some point? We do at least think that this show has at least one more season left after this one — or possibly more, depending of course on what sort of twists and turns the writers want to hand over to many of us who are viewing this story. (Odds are, we are likely going to know more about the future of How to Get Away with Murder by the spring.)

As for what is going to come up in the second half of this season, we have to think that one of the big priorities is going to be trying to follow up the shocking conclusion to what happened at the end of tonight’s episode. We’ve been waiting to get to the end of the flash-forwards for a rather long time now.

Related News Be sure to get some other news right now when it comes to How to Get Away with Murder!

What do you want to see on How to Get Away with Murder season 5 episode 9? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments below. (Photo: ABC.)

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