Law & Order: SVU season 20 episode 9 video: Stone accused; his reaction
So how does the accusation against Stone come about? Well, the sneak peek below explains some of that, as Peter recounts to Fin that about twelve years ago, he and some friends were out having a good time, and there was some heavy drinking that went along with that. Eventually, Stone found himself getting “hot and heavy’ (his words) with a woman that he met, and that things did get physical. Here is the problem with the whole ordeal, though — he doesn’t remember precisely everything that happened at a certain point in the night. Yet, he’s positive he didn’t rape her, even though the next morning she made it clear that if he ever contacted her again, she would go to the police.
If Stone doesn’t remember everything that happen, how can he be confident that something happened? Here’s our answer: He can’t. This is already complicating this case now that this woman has resurfaced and is accusing him of sexual assault. Even if the part he remembers was consensual, there is no guarantee the rest of it remains that way and this is not even an issue of his word against hers. It’s her word against someone who cannot recall, so unless he finds another witness, this could prove difficult when it comes to preserving his reputation. No matter what happens in this case, the biggest thing that he may need to recognize is that there could always be people with doubts.
This is going to be a difficult case for the entire SVU to handle, mostly because a number of the people within the unit have grown affectionate towards Stone over the years. They’ve come to like and respect him as a valuable member of the team and the last thing that they want to do is imagine that he could somehow be behind such a terrible act. Yet, they have to confront and consider that here; there can be no passes just because they know him and he’s prosecuted rapists. If they ever want to say that they did their due diligence, they have to flip the switch and recognize that this is just like any other case. We’re confident that they will be able to do that in time, but the aftermath here could be precisely as curious as the case itself.
No matter what happens, the results to the case should come our way in about 24 hours, as of this writing.
What do you want to see when it comes to Law & Order: SVU season 20 episode 9? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments below! (Photo: NBC.)