Doctor Who season 11 may have New Year’s special instead of Christmas one

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For many years, a Doctor Who Christmas Special was a big part of the holiday festivities; however, going into 2019, it seems to not be taking place.

Why? According to a new report coming in right now via the Mirror, the idea for a special was mostly scrapped due to there not being an abundance of great ideas out there to make a really great Christmas special. That made it so that the creative team shifted over to an idea about 2019, something that will offer up the show a chance to do something different.

Related Doctor Who news! – If you want to see our initial take on this season, we suggest that you take a look at that below! Meanwhile, remember that you can subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube to get some other TV related videos. We have new videos posted every day so make sure you don’t miss out!

If this report turns out to be true, there is a part of our brain that will treat it like the worst news of all time … mostly because it’s felt like such a familiar thing for so long to be able to dive in and enjoy a Christmas Special. However, we’d rather not have one than have one that the majority of people out there think is far from good. Sometimes you need to have a little bit of a trade-off in order to get the best story that you possibly can. We’d much prefer some sort of New Year’s Special if there is a strong creative behind it. Great Doctor Who episodes, at least for us, is one in which the imagination is being used to the fullest.

Also, here’s a slight silver lining to all of this: There is one less week between the end of season 11 and then whatever the writers have planned for season 12 — we know that this is still extremely far down the road, but it is at least something that we still have tucked away in our brain. Given how successful season 11 has been, it definitely does feel fair to say that the iconic series is going to be sticking around for quite some time moving forward.

Related News Be sure to get some other information/insight now when it comes to Doctor Who!

What do you think about the idea of Doctor Who doing a New Year’s Special instead of a Christmas one? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. (Photo: BBC.)

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