Grey’s Anatomy season 15 episode 6: Are Link, Meredith getting closer?
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There’s something about this sneak peek below (via TVLine) that is super-fascinating, especially when it comes to the back-and-forth rapport that these two characters have. When it comes to Link, he makes it abundantly clear to Meredith that he is interested in getting to know her a little bit better; yet, Meredith isn’t altogether keen to bite on this. She’s playing rather hard-to-get with him, but almost saying that itself is problematic because is hard to detect if she is playing at all. Is she really just not interested? That’s possible, but she does also seem to be laughing and having fun with her conversation with him.
It’s the end of this preview that is perhaps the most interesting, largely because both Meredith and Link hit on an intriguing part of each other. With Meredith, she acts Link if there’s a larger story with him and Jo. (He knew her back when she was married to Paul — there was no romance for them, but it’s certainly possible there were feelings in theory.) Meanwhile, Link acts her effectively the same when it comes to her history with Alex. That has been explored, at least within Meredith’s head, in the past. There are a devoted many Alex / Meredith ‘shippers out there, but it doesn’t seem the story is going in that direction.
Personally, I like the chemistry with Meredith and Link and the way they seem to casually challenge each other. It doesn’t feel rushed, and it also doesn’t feel forced. If this does work out, it’s not necessarily something that needs to materialize right away. Perhaps by the end of the season, something a little more solid could come into frame.
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Do you think that there is something here when it comes to Meredith and Link on Grey’s Anatomy? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. (Photo: ABC.)