The Walking Dead season 9: Lauren Cohan taking future as Maggie in stride

Lauren Cohan

Will Lauren Cohan return as Maggie on The Walking Dead for season 10? At the moment, that’s not even something she knows. What seems to be clear for the time being is that her character is not getting killed off.

We’ve spoken a good bit over the past few days about the status of Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes, including in the video at the bottom of this article. (If you like that, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more updates and check out our show playlist.) Through most of this, it’s been very clear that there is a clear difference between Lincoln and Cohan’s future. Andrew is done. Maybe he could appear in a series finale or something else, but there are no present plans for him to return for an arc at some point down the road.

With Maggie, things are a little bit different. Cohan is a part of a new series this midseason in Whiskey Cavalier, one that will be monopolizing a lot of her time. This show could render it very difficult for her to be a part of the series moving into the future, but it’s a little bit to early to tell with that. If the ratings soar and this show gets a season 2 and a larger episode order, it could be hard for Lauren to appear much at all as Maggie save for maybe an episode. If Whiskey Cavalier gets canceled, then Maggie could be waiting for her for a few more episodes. It’s just going to be a challenge for writers of The Walking Dead to figure this out. They may have to start planning the tenth season (provided there is one) out not knowing whether or not they are getting Lauren back or not, and that is an incredibly difficult position to be in. How do you plan for a story without knowing how much of a story that you’re going to have? It’s tricky.

For right now, Cohan herself doesn’t seem to be sweating the small stuff. Speaking in a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, here is some of what the actress had to say:

…I just don’t think it’s possible for me to know that right now. The cool thing is that I don’t have to. The right thing is gonna show itself to me. Here’s the thing: I could say, “This is gonna happen, that’s gonna happen, this is what I hope.” But the truth is I can only do what’s in front of me.

In the end, this is probably a situation to examine again six months from now in May, once the ratings for Whiskey Cavalier are known.

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What do you think the future should be for Maggie moving into The Walking Dead season 10? Be sure to share right away in the attached comments. (Photo: AMC.)

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