American Horror Story: Apocalypse episode 8 preview: ‘Fire and Reign’
For starters, the son of Satan is showing off their true power! We saw a lot of Michael tonight, demonstrating exactly what he can do. Meanwhile, at the same time tonight had all sorts of other crazy stuff including recreating Kathy Bates, devil worship, and some various odds and ends.
Moving forward from here, we just have to wonder how much is really left to show. Where do you go from here when it comes to Michael … or the rest of the characters within this world? How much do you feature the crossovers, if at all? Tonight’s episode was a showcase for Cody Fern but in the end, the biggest issues with Apocalypse is that, as a whole, it barely feels whole at all. This is a very disjointed season with a lot of different vignettes and crazy twists and turns. There’s been a lot of interesting nostalgia here, but not necessarily much in the way of big answers at the moment to various stories.
The one thing we do know as a certainty is this: There are only a couple of episodes left. No matter how this particular tale closes things out, we just have to hope that it remains as interesting as we would like it to be. There’s certainly a great deal of potential for it to close strong, but given the somewhat-polarizing nature of American Horror Story finales over the years, we’ve certainly come to learn that nothing is altogether guaranteed at the moment. We know that there is a season 9, but nothing is altogether guaranteed when it comes to content here.
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What do you think is coming on American Horror Story: Apocalypse episode 8? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. We’ll have some other news related to the show as things come along. (Photo: FX.)