Outlander season 4 cast descend on Savannah ahead of festival screening

Outlander season 4

If you are located in Savannah tonight and you love Outlanderthere is a reasonably good chance you know what is coming.

Related Outlander video! – Check out our thoughts on the latest season 4 trailer below! Meanwhile, remember that you can subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more updates, and also take a look at our playlist.

Tonight, the season 4 premiere is going to be screening as a part of the SCAD Savannah Film Festival, which is featuring a number of film and television actors this year. Much of the Outlander cast is in the city to help promote the screening, and we feel like there should be some fun stuff coming a little bit later in the day.

In general, now is the perfect time in order to be an Outlander fan! After all, the premiere episode is airing in just one week’s time and this is likely meant to kick off a week’s worth of celebration and promotion when it comes to the show. Starz has already done a very good job of getting the word out there — you had a panel at New York Comic-Con, a number of magazine covers, and multiple different trailers and featurettes. The series is also premiering at a time that is separated from most other shows, and with that, it’s got a little bit of its own platform to stand on. With the series heading to America, it’s also a chance to reach into a part of history more American viewers can be familiar with. It remains to be seen what the total viewership is, but we do think that word is definitely out there about the series’ return.

We’ll come back later to see if there are some fun moments that come out of the cast being in Savannah; if nothing else, this is a chance for a new group of fans to potentially see the cast who haven’t had a chance to before. (Most promotional events tend to be, after all, in either New York or California.)

Related News Want to see some of the latest videos leading up to the season 4 premiere?

What do you want to see regarding Outlander season 4? Share right away now in the attached comments. (Photo: Starz.)

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