NCIS: Los Angeles, Madam Secretary delayed; see CBS start times

NCIS: Los Angeles

For everyone out there excited to see NCIS: Los Angeles on the air, be prepared to have to wait at least a few minutes longer than expected.

Tonight, CBS has confirmed that the Chris O’Donnell – LL Cool J series is going to be airing at 9:37 p.m. Eastern time — seven minutes later than its already-announced start time. This also means that God Friended Me will start at 8:37, and that Madam Secretary will start at 10:37.

If you love these shows, we know that the NFL season can be a pretty frustrating time. Shows are frequently delayed and, because of that, we wonder what sort of impact that it ultimately has on the ratings. The good news is that NFL overruns do often lead to better ratings; however, much of that trickle-down is gone by the time you get to Madam Secretary. We do think that one of the reasons for lower ratings expectations here on CBS’ part are because they’re aware that it’s hard to get viewers addicted to a show that is airing so late at night. What is there that they could really do other than scrap NFL programming, which is something that they would never do in a million years?

The good news is that the NFL season doesn’t last forever, and come the spring most of these shows will air again at their normal time. Of course, if you are on the West Coast none of this really matters, given that they’ve always had the luxury of watching shows at their typical start time. (Of course, the downside is having to wait extra time to see them.)

If you love these shows, just remember to watch them either live or today via your DVR! That is your way to help ensure that they all stick around for additional seasons.

Related Check out some other updates right away when it comes to NCIS: Los Angeles right away

What do you want to see across all of CBS’ programming tonight? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! We’ll have more news when it comes to these series soon. (Photo: CBS.)

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