Lethal Weapon star Damon Wayans reuniting with son on Happy Together
According to a new report coming in right now via Entertainment Weekly, Damon Sr. is going to be coming on board an episode of CBS’ Happy Together, playing (natch) Mike, the father of Damon Wayans Jr.’s character of Jake. He arrives to pay Jake a visit at what just so happens to be a rather-inopportune time, given that this also just so happens to be when Jake is trying to keep the romance alvie with Claire while she is out of town.
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For the time being, it does remain to be seen if this is the sort of role we’ll see Wayans Sr. play more than once, largely because it remains to be seen if Happy Together lasts longer than its initial episode order at CBS. Nonetheless, it’s not altogether hard to figure why exactly the network wanted to get the older Damon on board here, given the idea that there are a number of Wayans comedy fans out there who would be interested in checking this out.
It is still remarkable that this casting even happened, mostly given the fact that it’s rather hard sometimes to see an actor actually appear on a network show while he is the star of another one. It probably just speaks to the special circumstances around this gig, especially since getting two Wayans together was too hard of a deal for Happy Together to pass up.
New episodes of Lethal Weapon are going to air Tuesday nights over on Fox; meanwhile, you will have a chance to see more Happy Together on Mondays. Wayans Sr.’s episode will air a little later this month.
What do you think about the Wayans family reunion on Happy Together in the future? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! (Photo: Fox.)