Last Week Tonight with John Oliver talks Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, and Brett Kavanaugh

Last Week Tonight

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver kicked things off this weekend with something that was, effectively, rather silly: Donald Trump having toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Buckle up, though: Things are going to be getting a little bit crazy from here.

Over the course of the opening, Oliver took a close look at some of the various components of the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing, including the President flip-flopping on accusers, Orrin Hatch dismissing protesters, and Mitch McConnell making it very clear that he was immensely proud of blocking the Supreme Court vacancy from Merrick Garland last year. He also talked about how Disney World could sell a ride entitled “Yell at Jeff Flake in an Elevator” and it would be extremely popular.

Then, Oliver got to Susan Collins, who he has taken to task on many a case in the past for routinely disappointing people thinking that she could flip. That didn’t happen, and he spent a good bit of time talking about the way in which she handled the American people and the allegations in her speech.

Finally, Oliver circled back to Donald Trump mocking accountability in his speech to supporters in Minnesota. This is where he mocked Al Franken, effectively, for resigning in the midst of his own scandal. That was apparently the message that he wanted to send to some of his people in attendance that night: Taking accountability is weak. This led to Oliver reminding everyone at the end of the segment that the best way to really turn things around in the midst of this sort of situation is to vote — which, coincidentally, happens early next month. We’ll see if there is a chance to turn the tide there.

Rest assured, we do imagine that Oliver will be talking about the midterms on plenty of occasions in the future.

Related Be sure to get some other news when it comes to Last Week Tonight, including the main segment of the night

What did you think about the opening of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and the specific focus? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments below. (Photo: HBO.)

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