Magnum PI episode 2 review: Searching for a big fish

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On the surface, Magnum PI episode 2 looked as though it was really simple on the surface. A local fisherman (played by Carl Weathers) hired Thomas Magnum in order to help him score back a valuable tuna that would turn his business around. He used all of his skills to find it (including making a deal with Kamekona for info — while he was in Steve and Danny’s restaurant, by the way), and when he did, he thought it was case closed.

Yet, it just so turns out that the person who had said fish was using it effectively to pay a ransom. Meanwhile, the people who wanted it didn’t exactly want to ensure that they could use the bluefin tuna for a restaurant. Instead, it seems that they were smuggling something in it that was of the utmost importance. He wanted to understand more as to precisely what was going on at the restaurant that originally was set to be the meeting place for the exchange.

The real highlight of the entire episode was Magnum convincing Higgins to go undercover at the restaurant with him in order to ensure that they could get some more information on the case. The rapport between the two there was hilarious, and we are already starting to think that Perdita Weeks may be the breakout star of this show. Higgins is one of the more unique characters out there on broadcast TV, someone who has no problem ridiculing Magnum and pointing out all of his flaws. Yet, she also has a big heart. (The argument between Higgins and Magnum near the end of the episode felt like something we’d like to see a whole lot more.)

After at first succeeding in their restaurant quest, we then saw the two of them arrested … which of course led to some other problems for them. Were it not for some quick thinking after being taken, they briefly found a way to survive. From there, Magnum took out the bad guys and the day was saved.

Also, we should point out that it was a flash drive in the fish that was at the center of everything.

CarterMatt Verdict

Magnum PI, from a character perspective, was significantly stronger than the premiere. Much of that is likely due to the fact that we already know the characters, and therefore don’t have to spend anywhere near the same amount of time with exposition or introducing what the series was.

Basically, we do like where Magnum PI is going — there’s a good combination of action and comedy here, and we also do like the idea of cases every week that start simple and eventually spiral out of control. We also did like how, at the very end, we got a good sense of why Magnum and his crew went to Hawaii in the first place.

What did you think about Magnum PI episode 2 overall? Let us know some of your thoughts below!

(Photo: CBS.)

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