Survivor: David vs. Goliath premiere review: An early medical evacuation
Reward Challenge – This was fun! It was pretty cool that it happened on the pirate ship, and it was also fun to see the Goliaths get to pick the contestants and the David picked the challenge. You had Alison and “Mayor of Slamtown” John on one side, and then Lyrsa and “Big Bang Theory” (coined by Mike) Christian competing on the Goliaths. Let’s just say that this was a teachable moment for the Goliaths since the Davis creamed them in the puzzle.
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Meet the People – There were a lot of emotional stories over the course of her life, whether it be Bi having an abusive past relationship or everything that went on with Nick’s mother. Yet, Nick still felt like the outsider on the David tribe, mostly because he wasn’t altogether interested in working. He wanted to scheme and play the game — which is relatable, but you gotta read the room a little bit!
This seemed to be the same thing that actually did in Mike in the early going on the Goliath tribe, since he went around looking for immunity idols — Dan’s actually the one who found one, and it seems like he’s also got a showmance partner already in Kara, as well. (No full-on kissing yet, but plenty of flirting.) Meanwhile, Natalie shouted out orders left and right, and in what is hardly a shocker to anyone, it seems as though nobody really wants to listen to her in the slightest.
Immunity Challenge – This was an important one and also an epic one, with the rain coming down as hard as it was during it. The Davids lost but it was close, and we are certainly bummed that it seemed to be one of our favorites in Carl who slowed the group down a little bit. He and Nick seemed to be the easy David targets coming out of the challenge, and also Pat just because he wasn’t exactly PC and also was a little bit of a loudmouth.
The elimination – The moment we got back from the challenge, something shocking happened: Pat was basically carted to the beach by medical in the midst of an emergency. Then, Jeff Probst arrived and that’s always bad news. It’s terrible news here since it’s the very start of the game. Also, this is the first that we can think of where an injury happened in transport. We feel so much for this guy, who clearly wanted to be there and fell victim to some bad circumstance.
Pat was evacuated from the game and we feel terrible about him; he was begging to stay but, in the end, it didn’t matter. It’s a horrible start for the David tribe but hopefully, it bands them together for the future.
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