The Sinner season 2 finale video: Ambrose prepares for the worst

The Sinner season 2 finale is coming onto USA come Wednesday night and at the center of this one is something relatively simple: Detective Harry Ambrose having to prepare himself for a stand-off.

At the end of this past episode, we saw another shocking murder: Marin’s. She was killed by someone who decided that they needed Julian back and would stop at nothing to make it happen. The question that remains is precisely who this person is. There are a number of theories out there, whether it be someone tied to Vera, Julian’s father, or plenty of other possibilities.

No matter who is in the car, it’s pretty clear at this point that they don’t want anything to do with the authorities and certainly are not being altogether cooperative. The real question we wonder here is how they think that this is going to end … provided that they are actually in the car at all and this isn’t some sort of elaborate trick. We’re amazed that there are still at least some questions still dangling in the final episode, though we do appreciate that the producers have found a way to at least start to hand out some answers as to what happened to Marin and also why Adam and Bess were trying to take Julian to Niagara Falls.

Also, we wonder how in the world Julian is ever going to function now that he seemingly realizes that these two were never trying to hurt him; instead, they had a completely different, far more benevolent goal in mind.

What do you want to see on The Sinner season 2 finale? Share right now in the attached comments!

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