Big Brother 20 episode 35 review: Live Double Eviction updates!
Going into tonight, the first eviction is obvious: Haleigh. She’s had a good run but she’s far too threatening with the specific jury that is out there. She’s got all of her friends over there and there is really no argument she could have made. The show didn’t even really waste a whole lot of time showing her campaign given that there really wasn’t a point.
The speeches were nice (otherwise known as boring) and it was unanimous for Haleigh to leave this week. Tyler was right: She did get the loudest cheer of the season. We did like her interview with Julie Chen — but then also Level 6 duped her one more time with some of their goodbye messages throwing Brett under the bus and blaming him for her eviction.
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The Next Head of Household – It’s Tyler! This is a good move for him when it comes to securing his safety, but it’s a tough one for him since he’s going to have to make a quick decision as to who he wants to nominate. He told Brett he was going to nominate JC and Sam.
Nominations – Tyler did nominate JC and Sam, but we know that they are not his real target. This is just his security blanket in the event that Brett wins the Veto so he doesn’t have to worry about him.
Veto winner – Angela has it! This means that she will do whatever Tyler wants and with that, they can make the move that they want to. Brett is about find his way outside the game. At the ceremony, she made it clear that she was “one step ahead” — she saved JC! Watching the look on Brett’s face when he realized his game was done was sad. He knew it, and he didn’t really want to sit there anymore.
Eviction – It’s Brett, and it was unanimous — but once again shocking. He is gone, and he was able to accept that. We knew that he wouldn’t be bitter in the way that some other people would, and that’s why it may have been a good move.
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