Animal Kingdom season 4: Four things we want to see

Animal Kingdom season 3

Following tonight’s finale, we know that Animal Kingdom season 4 is going to be coming up on TNT in the future. So, with that in mind, doesn’t now feel like the right time to start speculating on what’s going to be coming up?

Basically, the idea of this article is to list out four different things that we want to see on the series coming up based on what we saw tonight — to go along with this, we’ve also got a video below that is worth checking out! For more, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube right way.

1. J versus Smurf – This is the big tease moving into season 4, and this is certainly the thing that we want to see play out more so than anything else. What will it look like with the two in the midst of a more public feud, and how are the other guys going to put their cards on the table?

2. Pope gets better – We feel for the guy more than any other character on the show, mostly because he’s so unstable and we wonder if he would be like this if he had a different family and was in a different world. Can someone like him really be redeemed? We’re curious to find out.

3. Craig gets a more substantial side-story – We would hope that the character gets more of a consistent spotlight throughout the season, as opposed to the small glimmer of one that he had at the end of season 3.

4. What’s the endgame here? – Where do some of these characters actually see themselves at the end of this? We just don’t think that the actions of many of these characters are going to be able to sustain themselves for very long. Eventually, it’s going to be too much and they will start to cave in under themselves.

Related Check out our full review for Tuesday night’s Animal Kingdom

What do you want to see when it comes to Animal Kingdom season 4? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments!

Meanwhile, remember that you can like CarterMatt on Facebook to get some other information when it comes to the series. (Photo: TNT.)


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