American Horror Story season 8 teasers — and why there’s so many

American Horror Story: Apocalypse

FX has just revealed the first American Horror Story season 8 teasers, and there is a lot of creepy stuff in here.

Yet, we’ve also learned over the years that there isn’t really that much value in trying to over-analyze these all that much … largely because we’ve come to learn over time that there’s not often a direct correlation between these and the actual series itself. These are really just meant more as a way to drum up a little bit of intrigue about the show and get people potentially either freaked out or discussing it on social media.

Basically, these teasers are a means to help try and make American Horror Story go viral before the show even premieres, which is really the big goal that the series has here all along. They want to figure out a way in which to have people discussing it for weeks on end, without giving away much of any spoilers at the same time. This is really the only way in which they can do that, and because the producers realize that these teasers on their own are not anything altogether substantial, there need to be a ton of them. Sometimes, they can be a way in which to introduce a few hints as to what could be coming up next, but more often than not, these are just a means to have some crazy stuff happen in a short period of time.

New episodes of American Horror Story start airing next month; because we still have a little ways to go, you better be prepared for some more creepy teases along the way. We personally are expecting still the arrival of several more.

Related Be sure to get some other news right now when it comes to American Horror Story!

What do you think about American Horror Story and the way in which FX constantly promotes it? Be sure to share to share right now in the attached comments!

Also, remember now that you can like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some other news and information when it comes to the series. (Photo: FX.)

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