Reverie episode 9 review: What happened with Mara and Ray
While there were many things that we thought we needed some answers for when it comes to the story this season, we did not think that one of them was going to be the history between Mara and Ray. What we learned tonight was that there was a part of her story with him that she did not remember; as it turned out, she had pushed him to the edge, which led to him taking his own life.
This moment really explains so many different things, whether it be the guilt that Mara feels over what transpired or how she continues to see him in so many different unexpected ways. At the end of the episode, though, Mara determined that one of the only ways in which she was going to start to find some closure was to enter a reverie of Ray’s and communicate with him there. (He was braindead, so this was really the only way in which it could happen.) On the other side of this decision what we saw was a very angry Ray standing amidst what was otherwise an empty room.
How Mara even found out about all of this was through Charlie, who has recorded a conversation of what really happened. He never wanted her to know, but realized that he did not have a choice any more when her mind was starting to fall apart.
Alexis is in danger…
What made Reverie so interesting tonight was that for the vast majority of it, we saw Alexis actually be the one entering a reverie rather than Mara. She did so in order to get a little bit more information from Oliver, who really just wants to revamp Onira Tech to suit his own needs … it’s either that or completely destroy it altogether. She did not fall for his attempts to win her over by bringing back her dead brother in the virtual simulation; because of this, she was more intent than ever to stop him on the other side.
Unfortunately, Alexis does seem like he is in a great deal of danger … mostly because of Oliver now hunting her down.
CarterMatt Verdict
Tonight, Reverie episode 9 delivered one of the most intense episodes of the season, one that completely blew up the mythology and introduced some new challenges for some of the different characters from start to finish. It was very entertaining, but we do think there are some supporting characters that were unfortunately left out in the cold a little. Where is Paul, other than as a possible Mara love interest?
Related – Be sure to get some other news, including a preview for the finale
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