Elementary season 6 episode 13 preview: Could Detective Bell die?

Elementary season 6

There is some very cruel irony contained within Elementary season 6 episode 13, with much of it revolving around Detective Bell.

If you recall, earlier this season Bell opted to start training for an assignment with the US Marshals that could require him to leave the series by the end of the season. That’s a subject that CarterMatt discusses further in the video below — be sure to subscribe to get even more updates on the subject.

Now, we just have to wonder whether or not he is actually going to live to make it to this assignment. Elementary season 6 episode 13 is going to put the Bell character through hell courtesy of bio-terrorism. If this show plans to kill off Bell on his way to getting a new career, it would be one of the cruelest twists that we’ve seen on all of TV this year. We feel reasonably optimistic that the producers are not going in this particular direction, but you never know.

Just in case the Bell story was not enough to send your emotions into a meat-grinder, we think that the synopsis below will do that the moment that you read about Joan:

“Through the Fog” – Holmes and Watson race to help Detective Bell when he becomes a victim of a bio-terrorism attack at the precinct and the station is quarantined. During the lockdown, Captain Gregson and Detective Bell begin to suspect they are trapped inside with the perpetrator. Also, Watson faces the difficult task of helping her mother, Mary (Freda Foh Shen), accept that her advancing Alzheimer’s disease requires her to receive more medical care, on ELEMENTARY, Monday, August 6 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Is this one of the most trying seasons that we’ve had a chance to see for Joan? She has had had a difficult journey with adoption and as we know first hand from helping take care of our grandmother for the past 10 years Alzheimer’s disease is the absolute worst.

Related Check out some other news regarding Elementary right now!

What do you think is coming on Elementary season 6 episode 13? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments!

Also, remember now that you can like CarterMatt on Facebook for some other information when it comes to the CBS series, including reviews and previews! (Photo: CBS.)

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