Salvation season 2 episode 3 review: Did Grace lie in front of a jury?

Tonight, Salvation episode 2 episode 3 began with a pretty cold reminder for Grace: She’s far out of the woods when it comes to her ability to deflect everything that is coming at her after Claire’s death. Her brother is still investigating some of what happened to her and because of that, she’s starting to feel the walls closing in on her. That became all the more true when she realized that she was going to be forced to testify before Congress. All of a sudden, she was facing a future in which she was going to be heavily scrutinized from all directions and there is a certain degree of fear that goes along with that.

For most of the episode, Grace did her best to deal with what she was going to have to do in the future. She knew, as much as she hated it, that the only way that she was going to be able to keep everyone safe was to lie.

While Grace was dealing with the issue of testifying, there was a different sort of problem coming for everyone else: Still doing everything that they could in order to ensure that the asteroid was stopped. Also, along the way Liam ended up getting closer to Alycia, though he was able to push her away after the fact, citing his engagement. For Liam, this whole episode was about him trying to keep his eye on the prize — which was tough, given that Liam was getting pulled in so many directions. Should Liam side with Resist, or continue to go along with Darius when it comes to the strategy to save the world?

Outside from Liam, we continued the story of White House drama this week, as Darius and everyone else in the Oval Office found themselves in a position in which they could lose their positions.

The courtroom

That’s where everything for Grace came to a head, as many characters and stories converged as she had to go up in front of the court for her testimony. In the end, she did decide to lie in front of everyone and because of that, she’s taking yet another risk for her future. Let’s just say that Claire’s brother did not exactly buy her testimony.

Unfortunately, things go so much tougher for her at the end of the episode, as Claire’s body was uncovered in the morgue. This could make it so much harder for her to evade any more detection.

Here’s where things got truly shocking: Right before the Supreme Court was ready to make a verdict on the status of the President but then, a terrorist attack happened. Monroe Bennett seemingly set up a situation where there would be chaos and with that, a Civil War. All of a sudden, an asteroid really isn’t the biggest problem.

CarterMatt Verdict

Salvation season 2 episode 3 was an interesting episode in terms of how many different levels to the drama there was. Take, for example, the state of the Presidency, or really the state of the entire world. That’s why some of the decisions that Liam makes here are going to matter so much.

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