Big Brother 20 live feed spoilers: First Veto players

Sam Bledsoe

The first Veto players were confirmed in the Big Brother 20 house earlier today, and we’ve at least got a good sense now as to how things could change in the game.

Unfortunately for the two nominees in Sam and Steve, this was not a good draw insofar as players go. Joining the two of them and Head of Household Tyler are Faysal, Scottie, and Swaggy C. Basically, three people with athletic ability. The best thing that Sam can hope for is that the Power of Veto is a welding challenge, or at least something that is not based purely on athleticism. She’s, unfortunately, not the sort of person who seems suited to win many of the competitions.

If things stay the way they are now, the suggestion in the house is that we’re looking at a possible unanimous vote to send her home. While we know that JC and others have campaigned for her, if they realize that they don’t have the votes they’re all going to get scared and fold. Nobody wants to stick their neck out for someone else this early in the game.

There are two things that could save her, in the event that she doesn’t win the Veto.

1. The BB App Store – It’s still not clear who has it, but if it’s Sam there’s a good chance it could be something that allows her to be safe for this particular week.

2. Bayleigh going up – If someone pulls off Steve (this seems possible, as Scottie and Steve are close), this could mean that she is in a dangerous pawn position. Swaggy C’s been talking with Tyler about it, trying to do everything that he can in order to ensure that he doesn’t nominate her as a replacement. Yet, Swaggy is so aggressive that we could easily envision him hurting Bayleigh’s game in some capacity. He’s a risky player and he’s actually a little reminiscent of Mike Boogie in some respects.

Related – Be sure to get some other news when it comes to the feeds!

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