Elementary season 6: Should Rhys Ifans have appeared?
We don’t want to beat around the bush too much here — Mycroft is dead. The character passed away on this past episode, or at least that’s when Sherlock Holmes first learned about it. The reality is that he’s actually been gone for some time, and that in itself is probably going to be an emotional hammer more so than anything. It may make Sherlock wonder more what could have been in the event that he had a better relationship with his brother. John Noble is coming up on Monday’s episode as Morland Holmes (read more about that over here), and the two could use each other in order to grapple with some of their emotions in what is sure to be a pretty-emotional time for them.
Now, let’s get back to the Rhys Ifans question. As entertaining as Elementary is, one of its biggest shortcomings has long been its ability to properly utilize characters from the Sherlock Holmes world. Keeping Ifans around is a big example of that. We hadn’t seen the actor in the flesh for years, just like we haven’t seen Natalie Dormer in some time as Moriarty. That’s why it would’ve been so nice in order to get one more appearance for closure, even if it was Sherlock rushing to see him, realizing that he was about to die.
Granted, we understand that there’s a valuable reason to not do that, aside from scheduling or anything else that could have kept Rhys from appearing on the show: Life doesn’t always work like that. Sometimes, things happen and you can’t be prepared for them. Even if Sherlock was closer to Mycroft, it’s still possible that he wouldn’t have a proper goodbye here. It’s painful for us for this to be the end of this character, but we’re also saying that from the vantage point of someone who has more of an attachment to Mycroft because of his existence in other retellings of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories, including Mark Gatiss’ take on Sherlock.
Do you wish that we could have gotten Rhys Ifans on Elementary season 6? Be sure to share right away in the attached comments!
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