Big Brother 20: When do the live feeds begin?

Big Brother 20 live feeds

For everyone out there wondering when the Big Brother 20 live feeds begin following the premiere, Cartermatt has that information within!

Alas, there are no feeds coming online following the first part of Wednesday’s two-night premiere. There’s still more drama and fun that the show wants to highlight and with that, they are making you wait for a little while longer in order to see what’s coming up inside the house. The feeds instead are not going to be premiering until following the West Coast airing of Thursday’s show — think in terms of Thursday at 10:00 p.m. Pacific time, or 1:00 a.m. on the East Coast. It’s true that this is a very long time to stay up for some people, but we recommend that you do. The start of live feeds is, more often than not, one of the most entertaining things that you really get from a season of the show. You’ve got tons of people still in the house, and many of them do react to the fact that the live feeds are online by going completely crazy.

If this is your first time watching Big Brother, the feeds are also pretty great in that they’re uncensored, unfiltered, and there’s not too much downtime — at least in comparison to the feeds for the Canadian show. They are down for competitions and some other production-related stuff.

As of right now in the house, it’s pretty clear that there’s been a Head of Household already declared — beyond that, it’s probably too early to speculate much more than that. It’s possible that there is an early eviction just because we’ve seen that in past seasons. Ultimately, though, the main point of this article is to keep you up-to-date on the start time of the live feeds. Rest assured that they are happening, though you are going to have to wait a little while longer in order to see them.

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Also, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some other news and information regarding the show. We will be here all summer with live feed updates, reviews and previews. (Photo: CBS.)

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