Is a Sense8 revival possible following series finale movie?
Let’s start by making this clear: At the moment, it doesn’t seem like there are any plans for more. Heck, there weren’t even plans for the movie at one point. That spawned mostly out of fan outcry over the initial cancellation over at Netflix, making this one of the most obvious signs that fans can make a real difference when it comes to saving shows that were taken off the air. This movie was written to offer some sort of closure, so leaving things open for more at the conclusion of it doesn’t seem like a strong possibility.
Yet, we’ve also learned three other words when it comes to the world of TV: Never say never. If Sense8 continues to build a cult following over the next five or so years, we do certainly imagine it being possible that Netflix finds a way to revisit the property. Who knows what it would look like at some time, but other revivals have shown that you can bring back a story even if, on paper, it doesn’t appear to be possible.
The biggest thing that is always going to stand in the way of getting more Sense8 is rather simple: The cost. That is one of the reasons why it was canceled in the first place — because of all of the effects and the sprawling locations, this is one of the most expensive series on television. It needs to basically be a runaway hit in order to justify its price tag, and for now we’d classify it a little bit more as a cult hit. You don’t want to sacrifice cost and hurt the quality of the show, and we’re grateful that the producers never did that … even if it does leave the series in the sort of pickle where it may have caused us to get fewer episodes than we may have had it been significantly cheaper to make. It’s hard to ever know fully what could be, but we’re certainly thrilled with what we have.
Do you want to see a Sense8 revival at some point in the future, regardless of how the movie ends? Be sure to share right now in the comments!
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