Supergirl season 3 episode 20 review: Black kryptonite theories

Reign reveal

Supergirl season 3 episode 20 was a heck of a fascinating episode when it comes to everything that the writers threw at us … and that may be especially the case when you start thinking about what could ultimately happen when Kara brings her new secret weapon to Earth.

After having a reunion with her mother, in just so turns out that her people have one of the few things in existence that can help them: A magic rock, which certainly feels like we’re getting a black kryptonite sort of situation coming up! What this could do, at least in theory, is separate the good and evil sides of Sam so that she can live; meanwhile, the rest of the team can concentrate their efforts on stopping Reign once and for all without worry about what it will do to their friend.

If this is the goal for the DEO team, it’s a smart one — but will Reign, free from her prison of Sam, be even more deadly? It’s a cause for concern, but maybe everyone is just in a position now where they are willing to take this sort of risk given that it’s better than the alternative.

Overall, though, we would consider this episode of Supergirl to be essential for moving the Reign plot forward, especially if we are getting closer to a way to bring back Sam. In the process, it also gave us some further evidence of Lena Luthor still does have those darker impulses — she’s just finding ways to not act on them. Take, for example, having a kill switch that could do away with Lena if need be.

As for the other storylines this episode, there wasn’t a ton of forward movement other than Alex trying to reconcile the fact that her job is always going to put her in danger — yet, she also does want to be a mother. That’s something that she is going to have to figure out if she wants to continue checking off all of her goals.

CarterMatt Verdict

Was this episode great for theorizing? Absolutely, but we were actually surprised there wasn’t more overall scenes between Kara and her mother after such a long layoff. (We know there were some, but it still felt like there could have been more mined there.) In general, this was an episode that was essential for building up a lot of stories, but it didn’t pay too many off and we’re left with a lot of questions about A) if we’ve got black kryptonite and B) what it means if we do.

Related Want to get some more news, including a preview for what is coming up on the next new episode?

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