Once Upon a Time creators land new job at Apple’s Amazing Stories
In a statement today, it was announced that Horowitz and Kitsis will be taking over the anthology series Amazing Stories, one that originally had Pushing Daisies and Hannibal alum Bryan Fuller attached to it. According to TVLine, Fuller departed over creative differences regarding the tone of the project — Apple apparently wants something that will appeal to all audiences for their reimagining of the classic 1980’s series, whereas Fuller wanted to go a little bit darker with the material.
This new version of the project is set, reportedly, to “transport the audience to worlds of wonder through the lens of today’s most imaginative filmmakers, directors and writers.” Basically, think a family-friendly Black Mirror with a wide array of imaginative stories at the heart of it.
It makes perfect sense for Apple to recruit Kitsis and Horowitz to do this, given that they’ve spent the past seven-plus years of their lives navigating a wide array of different fairy tales and legends for Once Upon a Time — before that, the two worked on Lost. There are few people out there more qualified for a job like this than they are. One of the things that could be especially appealing about a project like this for the two of them is that it could offer them up a rather-unique opportunity to tell stories without having some sort of weighty mythology to keep track of. By the end of the series Once Upon a Time was incredibly dense in its history, its timeline, and its different worlds. With Amazing Stories they could do something totally different every episode — while there could be links between the episodes, they’re not all going to be directly connected presumably in the same way.
There is no premiere date out there as of yet for Amazing Stories but if we were to guess, our assumption would be that the series is still a rather long ways off.
What do you want to see in regards to Amazing Stories with Kitsis and Horowitz at the helm? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments!
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