NCIS: Los Angeles season 9 finale preview: The state of Sam

NCIS: Los Angeles season 9 finale

The NCIS: Los Angeles season 9 finale is airing across two hours on Sunday night, and at the center of it is a really devastating series of events regarding Sam Hanna. After all, the character is getting shot near the start of this episode!

The first sneak peek below gives you a sense of the immediate aftermath of the incident. The good news here is clearly that he is going to be able to make it through the shooting okay — it doesn’t look like a fatal wound. However, this is probably enough in order to keep Sam from being out in the field for a little while. That’s going to be tough given just what is coming up as this case goes along. We are gearing up for one of the most powerful and emotional cases of the entire season given that at the center of it is a man tied to Shay Mosley’s past in Spencer Williams  — and the case of her son. This is something that she hasn’t exactly opened up too much about with the rest of the team over time, but it is essential to who she is as a person and also why she has become precisely who she is. Suffice it to say, this is going to be a very important part of her story within this episode and something we are eager to see this story explore more.

The second sneak peek really sums up much of what we’ve told you, whether it be the emergence of Spencer Williams’ name in the case or a small update on Sam via Kensi and Deeks.

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What do you think is going to be coming for Sam over the course of the NCIS: Los Angeles season 9 finale? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments!

Also, remember to like CarterMatt on Facebook to get some further reviews, previews, and a wide array of other scoop right away when it comes to the NCIS: Los Angeles finale. Once we know some further news, we will be sure to pass some of that along. (Photo: CBS.)

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