Who is Shandra Page Edwards, Suzanne Patmore Gibbs? Grey’s Anatomy finale offers tributes

Shandra Page Edwards

Who is Shandra Page Edwards and Suzanne Patmore Gibbs? These two women were honored in a title card at the end of the Grey’s Anatomy finale and for good reason. Their contributions to the ABC series and the television world are worthy of recognition. Both women, unfortunately, passed away earlier this year.

Let’s start with Shandra “Sha” Page Edwards, who worked in the hair department for the series for a number of years — her last IMDb credit for Grey’s Anatomy was back in 2016. To go along with her work here, she also worked on such shows as Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, Parks and Recreation, Take Me Out, and Big Love. You do not get the opportunity to work on so many different series without being exceptional in your craft.

As for Suzanne Patmore Gibbs, she was a prominent TV development executive and someone who was in some ways responsible for helping Grey’s Anatomy get off of the ground. In a post on Twitter earlier this year, Shonda Rhimes had the following to say in tribute to her:

She was my very first champion at ABC Studios, the first exec to say “maybe Shonda could write a TV show.” Then she fought like hell to get us the chance to make  the Grey’s Anatomy pilot.  No way to describe this loss.

Some of the other prominent TV series in which Suzanne Patmore Gibbs worked as a studio executive for include The Blacklist, Brothers and Sisters, Masters of Sex, Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty, and the first Grey’s Anatomy spin-off in Private Practice. When you look at some of those hits her impact on shaping television over the past fifteen years should be clearly felt.

If you do want to get some more news when it comes to the Grey’s Anatomy finale, be sure to head over to the link here.

Our thoughts go out to the families of Edwards and Gibbs; hopefully, the title card tonight as more people looking their stories and their contributions up online. The tribute was brief, but we appreciate Rhimes and ABC choosing to cap off season 14 with a tribute in their honor. (Photo: ABC.)

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