Big Brother Canada 6 finale: Are there any All-Stars in final three, elsewhere?
Here’s one of the big issues when it comes to returning players this season: There weren’t a lot of huge personalities who ended up making it super-far into the game. In general, this isn’t the greatest cast in the history of the show, though there are a few people with potential we could see back.
For now, here are the people we know we’d like to see back.
Erica – A fantastic challenge beast and a genuinely enjoyable person to watch on the live feeds. She was screwed over by a twist and is infinitely deserving of another shot.
Kaela – Regardless of if she wins or not, we do think that she’s earned a spot in another season by being competitive and being one of the few people this season willing to make huge moves.
Hamza – Just for the sake of having a big personality we do think there is value in bringing him back to shake up the house again.
As of right now, those three are the ones we’re the most intrigued in seeing again. Maybe you can argue that Jesse had more to give than what we saw during the early going, or that someone like Johnny or Olivia could be interesting to watch in a different season with a different house. Unfortunately, we don’t think that Maddy, Will, or Derek did anywhere near enough to be returnees and they all went fairly far. Ali had a little bit of potential but is mostly known for a fight or two. Rozina probably doesn’t have a chance to ever win, even if we love her; finally, Paras could be fun to see again but we know that choice could be polarizing.
Related – Be sure to get some other coverage regarding the finale
Who do you want to see returning for another season of Big Brother Canada, or maybe even a US version of the show? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments below!
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