Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: No giving up yet (day 58)
One of the most obvious ones is if Kaela, for some inexplicable reason, ends up nominating Derek has a replacement nominee. Paras and Maddy’s plan for today is to push for those to happen given that Kaela has already talked about the idea of potentially taking him out a little later on in the game. This is a perfect opportunity for her to do that if she really wanted to, but there’s virtually no reason for her to do it. She knows that she can’t play Head of Household next week and as dominant as she’s been, she doesn’t want to be in a situation where she is reliant totally on winning one competition in the Power of Veto to save her hide. It makes sense to bring Derek to the final three, mostly because there’s at least a chance that he will want to take her to the end of the game.
Meanwhile, one other interesting outcome from today could be if Paras tries so hard to get Derek evicted that she ends up shifting the target onto herself and she ends up going home. Paras is a really interesting player this season in that she’s done strategic moves and we give her a reasonable amount of credit; yet, there have been a number of things that have revolved more around luck that she didn’t have all that much to do with. We could see her having an inflated sense of her influence in the game and shooting herself in the foot as a result of that.
Related – Be sure to check out some other insight when it comes to the series!
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