Big Brother Canada 6 interview: Johnny Mulder talks strategy, Derek, Kaela, and more
Below, you can take a look at what Johnny had to say to us in regards to going home when he did, what he would do differently, and whether or not being HoH early in the game helped him.
CarterMatt – How does it feel going home in the triple eviction?
I think the odds were stacked against me in the Triple. Not winning the Veto seals my fate. It feels kind of sad, but honestly I feel like an entire week of Derek or Kaela being HoH and me suffering at their will would’ve been even worse. In that regard, I’m okay with the way it went down and historically the triple is a time to get rid of big threats. It’s a testament to the game that I played.
If you had more time to campaign, do you think it would have changed anything?
No. I think with Liv and I sitting on that block and with Maddy sitting there besides us, Will and Paras were not turning on Maddy. Kaela wanted me out so badly and I think she wanted Liv out too. I think that we were needing to win that Veto or go home, and here we are going home — or, going off to jury.
Was there any hope of turning around your relationship with Derek and Kaela?
I don’t think so. Once I realized that was the case, I took it upon myself to sour that relationship even further. At that point, every single person did not want to go to the end with me. If they thought that Derek and Kaela were not going to go to the end with me, maybe I could have convinced [the others] that I was a good person to bring to the end. I hoped that I could turn that around in a final two speech — that was going through my head, but also it was a feeling that I needed every other person in that house to realize the game that Derek and Kaela were playing and that they will promise whatever they need to promise. It’s exhausting.
Do you think being Head of Household early this season helped or hurt your game?
I went in saying that I wasn’t scared of winning power right away. I think it was really helpful in making relationships. If it was just a normal week in the Big Brother game, it would have been a very different situation rather than choosing from the possible nominees that Andrew chose. I would’ve loved to put up two guys on the block rather than getting out Rozina. It wasn’t the ideal first week HoH situation, but I think I made the most of it and helped me build trust with some people that carried me through to the middle of the game.
Before the triple eviction, what would you say was your biggest challenge in the house?
Erica leaving definitely made me seem like the one who had won more than every other person. They could use that as a reason to want me out of the house and they also saw me as a social threat. I was good with a lot of people and nobody really trusted that I was siding with them. I needed to make a choice between Will, Maddy, and Paras or Ali and Liv, and I kind of played both sides against each other and ended up picking Will, Maddy, and Paras hoping that one of them would win in the triple and keep me safe, as well. I don’t think that Maddy would have; I’m unsure about Will or Paras.
Erica leaving threw me for a loop; there was no one else I could feel completely comfortable with. She was sort of like my female mirrored counterpart in a way.
What one move would you do differently, if given a chance?
I think I would have used the Veto on Will that week when it was him and Ryan on the block. Erica probably would’ve gone up by Kaela and Canada probably would’ve saved Erica over Ryan because she would’ve been the one going home. Then, someone else would’ve gone up on the block and hopefully out the door. That would have changed the face of the entire game and Will and Erica both would’ve been still inside there.
Who did you want to go to the end with and why?
I actually remained pretty open on that the entire time, because I feel like I could’ve beaten any of them in the end. That probably sounds a little egotistical, but I think it was true. I think every person was telling me as much. They were probably just doing that as a way to justify voting me out in the future. I was constantly trying to play it down, but when it came down to it, I didn’t really have any preference as to who to go to the end with. Just someone I probably could have beaten.
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