Big Brother Canada 6: triple eviction highlights!
First eviction – We saw in the opening minutes tonight Paras super-excited about the prospect of getting to be the deciding vote tonight. Why is that? It’s so simply as her knowing that she controls the vote. There was some GREAT drama on the feeds that was barely toughed on during the show, but ultimately, it was the decision of Paras, Will, and Maddy to keep Kaela and send Ali home. That decision is going to define some of what could come out next.
Head of Household Competition – Derek won, which basically meant RIP Johnny and Olivia (who were nominated alongside Maddy) unless something crazy happened. Johnny was about as good of a sport about it as one can possibly be, but we’re starting to think that Daela could just beast through the remainder of this game.
Power of Veto – The moment Kaela won, you could almost just flash-forward things for the remainder of the night. Obviously she wasn’t going to be using it, and obviously Johnny and Olivia were going to be leaving the game.
Eviction – Johnny and Olivia are gone! Kudos to them for being so classy on their way out the door, especially since we don’t think that this is necessarily something that was a given. (It helped that they knew this was coming if Daela found themselves in power.) There was definitely some shade from Johnny and Olivia at the end of the episode … which we did appreciate, by the way.
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