Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: More eviction indecision (day 55)
As of the last update we wrote last night, signs pointed towards Kaela staying and Ali being voted out; typically, when a vote is “locked” on Wednesday night it doesn’t change overnight. This week, however, is no ordinary week. Kaela and Derek really put the hard sell on Paras last night, Kaela swore on her pets that she would target Olivia and Johnny in the Triple Eviction, and all of a sudden it now seems as though Kaela could stay and Ali could go.
What’s one of the biggest reasons for this? Fear, and this fear could be what actually keeps Paras, Will, or Maddy from winning this season. It’s understandable that they would be afraid of Derek winning Head of Household right after Kaela goes home, but if it’s a mental competition for Triple Eviction Head of Household things are largely going to be a crapshoot. We don’t think Derek has that much of an advantage at all. We feel personally like if you get a chance to take out a competition threat this late in the game, you take it. Who would you compete against at this point — Ali or Kaela?
As a matter of fact, we’ll go further: If we were Will, Kaela, and Paras what we’d choose to do right now is this: Take out Kaela and then gun hard for this Head of Household. Use the Triple Eviction to get rid of Johnny and Derek. If you need to get rid of Olivia or Ali because one of them wins the Veto, so be it. At this point in the game, there are enough competitions left that Will, Paras, and Maddy could just control everything even if one person doesn’t win every week. They’re in a more comfortable spot right now than someone like Johnny is, who will be a constant threat.
Anyway, that’s just our two cents. We do think that keeping Kaela may make the trio slightly safer moving into the Triple Eviction, but it also dramatically decreases their chances of winning the season down the line.
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