Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Do we have a decision?
At the moment, you can assume that Derek is going to vote to evict Ali. Meanwhile, it’s a sure thing that Olivia will evict Kaela. Where the other votes fall in line is interesting given that at this point, there are five voters and three will turn the tide. Let’s break some of the remaining ones does.
Will – He seems intent on evicting Kaela, which makes sense given that she is a huge threat and he’s also pretty close to Johnny. At this point, he really just needs to figure out a way in which to ensure that he can win competitions for a change in the end.
Maddy – She seems to think that keeping Kaela could be better for her, which has led to some disputes with Paras. They’re still working together, but they are not completely on the same page.
Paras – She’s really the deciding vote here and she told the cameras tonight that her plan is to evict Kaela, largely because keeping a showmance around this late in the game is dicey. We do think being third in an alliance with those two is better than being in a five-person alliance with the remainder of the house, but the end of the game is about winning comps. Kaela’s been great in competitions; meanwhile, Ali hasn’t won anything.
As for the Triple Eviction, the obvious targets are Johnny and Derek; yet, there is value with targeting almost EVERYONE remaining. The only person we feel fairly safe about staying is Maddy just because she is virtually zero threat to anyone’s long-term game. (We say this and we’re probably going to see Maddy go home.)
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