Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony; Paras’ new plan
Instead, we’re thinking more in terms of how Derek managed to ruin his showmance partner’s own game by not being okay enough to let things play out on their own. Derek last night had a conversation with Will, one where he told him that Paras was still working with him and Kaela. As a result of that, Will confronted Paras about it and basically made it clear that she better not be trying to flip the vote. Because of that, Paras is now in a position where she has to keep her loyalty to Will and by extension Johnny in keeping replacement nominee Ali around instead of Kaela.
So is this really better for Paras’ game that it happens this way? Not exactly, given that she’s now in a spot where if Derek wins the Triple Eviction Head of Household there’s a pretty good chance that she goes up on the block. Maybe she’s safe if either Will or Maddy wins it, but she could also be a target if either Olivia or Ali gets it. Basically, if she had kept Derek and Kaela those were two people who wouldn’t nominate her for staying true to them. Following that, she would have eliminated someone who could have targeted her.
If there was ever a time that Paras needed to win a competition, this is probably it. If she can win and get rid of two out of the tree in Derek / Olivia / Ali, she could set herself up fairly well for the endgame.
As of right now, we’d say that the game is still reasonably wide open. We don’t see much of a path for Will or Maddy to win, but there are at least outside shots for most everyone else. (Olivia’s already got money so we’re not sure there will be a ton of enthusiasm around giving her more.)
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