Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Week 7 Veto winner
Basically, what the Power of Veto Competition reminded us of more so than anything else is that Derek and Kaela are very much capable of winning almost any competition the rest of the way this season. Derek won the Veto and with that, he’s almost sure to keep the nominations of Johnny and Ryan the same. If he has it his way, there is a very good chance that we end up seeing Johnny go home at the end of the season.
Now that we’ve said that, do we want to see this happen with Johnny? Not in terms of keeping someone who actually has a chance to win. Plus, Ryan’s already gotten enough shots at the game so we’re fine to see him leave now.
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The funny thing is we really thought following the Veto that we could see Johnny taken out as a threat, but instead there are many people discussing the possibility of keeping him. Ali and Olivia are considering the idea and Will certainly also wants to do so, per some conversations that he’s had with Paras. The one issue there may just be that Paras is close to Daela and she’s already trying to get Will to target Olivia and Ali before going after the showmance, largely because she claims that Olivia and Ali are somehow more threatening. It’s hard to believe Will buys that, but anything to get Johnny another week, right?
There’s a lot of time left for things to change in this game but with Will, Ali, and Olivia on his side Will’s in a slightly better spot. Add to this Paras and Maddy and he’s golden.
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