Legends of Tomorrow season 4: Should Neal McDonough (somehow) return?

Damien -

Is it possible for Neal McDonough to return on Legends of Tomorrow season 4 … even though his character of Damien Darhk is seemingly dead?

Obviously, we understand that it would take a good bit of creativity at this point in order to make such a return happen. During the finale Damien sacrificed himself in order to save Nora’s life and when Mallus died, presumably the same happened to him. If that is the case, then ultimately it does mean the end of the road for one of the best villains in the entire Arrowverse. We’ll admit that when he was first on Arrow, we weren’t necessarily the biggest fan of the character. Damien over there just didn’t quite fit the darker, more serious tone — he was a mustache-twirling egomaniac who used magic and loved to inflict his own unique brand of sorcery.

On Legends of Tomorrow, however, he was perfect as a maniacal leader and adversary to the Legends with plenty of power and also motivation to completely corrupt the world. Yet, along the way he found redemption … including a way in which to bond with his daughter and eventually find a way to save her. This was such a great story for him that it’s easy to imagine Damien somehow being revived again so that he could either fight for or against the Legends in season 4.

Unfortunately, for the time being there is very little word as to whether or not that is going to happen. McDonough’s status for the future of Legends of Tomorrow is not clear and the writers may feel as though bringing him back for a third time may be overkill. He easily had the best ending to his story at the end of season 3; with that in mind, there may not be a way in which to top that. Maybe you bring in a new villain who offers up their own brand of evil.

Plus, isn’t there something to be said for going out on top? Damien has never been more popular than he is right now so in his death, he emerges as the true hero to many fans.

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Also, there’s one other problem: Given that Damien is almost a hero at this point because of his sacrifice, is he really a functional villain? He’s in a weird spot because he’s not evil enough to be an adversary; yet, he also murdered Laurel Lance. It’s hard to make him a hero with that in mind.

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Do you want to see more of Neal McDonough on Legends of Tomorrow, and how do you suggest that the show look to bring the character back? Share right now in the comments!

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