Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Who won the Power of Veto for Week 6?
As reported recently, Ryan, Head of Household, and fellow nominee Will were set to compete against challenge beast Erica, Johnny, and also Derek — basically, all capable people. Things weren’t looking good for him. Johnny had extra incentive to win — he was wary about his fate this week and for good reason, given that he was in discussions about being a possible backdoor target. There is already talk about also backdooring Erica soon, but ultimately it’s hard to really see anything being done about that this week. How do you get Johnny to use the Veto? Probably not going to happen.
So, who ended up actually winning in the end? Johnny, which basically eliminated any chance of something crazy happening with the Veto this week. All this means is that he’s that much more of a target given that he and Erica (who are working close together) are dominating most of the challenges. If we were in the house these two would be at the top of the list of targets given that they could feasibly win just about every competition the rest of the season … or at least the ones that they needed to save their own hide.
In the aftermath of the competition Ryan basically seemed ready to throw in the towel already, telling Kaela that he just wanted to make sure that nobody trashed him too much in his goodbye messages because his son would end up seeing them.
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