Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Does Kaela have a little HoH-itis?
Let’s start things off with her likely nominations: Will and Maddy. She told Will back during the Head of Household Competition that he was safe; yet, she’s going to put him on the block and have him squirm a little bit. The idea is that he’s the pawn, but whether or not things stay that way is still a little too early to tell.
Meanwhile, the idea for Kaela is to tell Maddy that she’s going up and she could be on the way out the door. This helps Kaela to mask who she is really going after in Johnny. She doesn’t want him to see it coming, and she also doesn’t want to nominate him outright in the event that Erica wins and uses the Veto to take him down. Johnny is the ultimately target and Kaela straight-up lied to his face earlier about it. We think that it’s great for us that she is relishing having power as much as she is, but come later in the game this could have a detrimental impact if jurors don’t feel like she was kind enough to them on the way out the door. Johnny’s a fan and with that, he may respect her move more than most; still, Johnny would have to be bitter about being targeted after thinking that he was safe, right?
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It’s a little too early to know how Kaela will handle this HoH reign and if it will be effective for her in the end — maybe some will appreciate her being so bold, or maybe she smartly realizes that it may not matter all that much given the fact that there are so many people who are going to be targeting her and Derek regardless. One of the best things for her right now is that Erica is still in the game, given that this means that there’s going to be someone left who is almost certainly a much bigger target than she ever will be. Some of the competition wins that she has at the moment really speak for themselves.
Do you think that Kaela is making the right move in potentially nominating Maddy and Will? Is there something else that you would do instead? Share right now below!
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