Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Ryan stirs the pot, possibly sinks himself
“Merron’s going home!”
“Wait, never mind, Ryan’s done.”
“Oh, sorry, it’s Merron!”
“Nope! Ryan just shot himself in the foot.”
“…But what about Merron?”
This is how things are right now with a bunch of people who don’t know quite what to do. This morning Merron was in big trouble, and this afternoon Ryan has seemingly stirred the pot to the point that whatever was in said in the morning doesn’t hold anymore.
Here’s what Ryan did this afternoon that is truly nuts: Spreading chatter that Ali supposedly said “I don’t trust that b—h” about Paras. This led to much discussion, he-said, she-said, and then eventually Ryan being interrogated about it. Seemingly this could have driven Paras and Ali further apart, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. In most situations, this would mean effectively that Ali would never want to work with Ryan again … but somehow, it does seem as though there’s a way he could still stay after this! There are some people, namely Johnny, who are afraid of keeping Merron around, more than likely because he occupies a similar place in the game as an under-the-radar guy who could win competitions.
What’s also interesting at the moment is that Ali’s reaction to the rumor seems to have both Olivia and Erica starting to distance themselves from her; they both want Merron out of the game at the moment and while Erica may not have a direct vote, she does hold the tie-breaker and that’s valuable this week.
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If Ryan stays after all of this he may be one of the luckier players this season — he could go down for being one of the luckiest players in show history given how badly he screwed things up during his Head of Household reign. There’s almost no chance that he wins this game but who knows? Maybe Ryan somehow makes it so far this season that people end up keeping him for the very end.
Another funny thing here is that Merron’s biggest flaw at the moment may just be not talking enough, even if on most Big Brother seasons he’d probably be doing fine for staying reasonably calm, cool, and collective. At some points, we’re starting to wonder if we’re in the midst of a bizarro season where up is down and down is up. Who knows what will happen come eviction day?
If nothing else, kudos to Ryan for presenting feeds gold and plenty of screaming this week. This is a week that started out pretty dull, and yet somehow it’s turning out to be one of the funnier ones we’ve seen so far this season.
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